About the Partnership
Suffolk Roadsafe Partnership Board - working together to reduce road collisions in Suffolk.
The Suffolk Roadsafe Board is a non-statutory Board which was created in May 2007 to bring together the main agencies involved in road safety in the county.
It is comprised of:
- Suffolk County Council
- Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service
- the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Suffolk Constabulary
- Highways England
- the East of England Ambulance Service.
The agencies work together to provide the best possible use of resources and road safety expertise from many different disciplines.
Board members
There are a core of board members who attend the Suffolk Roadsafe Board with additional officer support.
The board is chaired by County Councillor Paul West, Cabinet Member for Ipswich, Operational Highways and Flooding.
To contact any member of the group please follow this link: suffolkroadsafe@suffolk.gov.uk, and your email will be forwarded to the most appropriate partner.
The boards function is to oversee the strategy development and implementation, and ensure there is co-ordination between the partners. This means that, particularly in a time of restrained budgets, the most efficient use of resources can be achieved.
Operational partners’ activities
- Provide targeted and evaluated education and training programmes.
- Deliver appropriate engineering solutions to tackle issues identified and ensure that any planned highways schemes are properly audited.
- Support publicity campaigns including the Government’s Think! Campaign.
- Assess collision data to develop effective interventions.
- Monitor the effectiveness of the Roadsafe strategy.
- Work with all agencies to alleviate local road safety concerns.
- Manage the speed camera programme in Suffolk, using both fixed and mobile cameras.
- Carry out proactive enforcement activities with a focus on “fatal four” contributory factors to collisions resulting in death or serious injury (KSI).
- Provide focused visible police patrols at locations identified through partnership intelligence gathering as suffering from increased KSI collisions
- Provide a visible roads policing presence on the county’s strategic road network.
- Engage with communities at a local SNT level ensuring that concerns around road safety are signposted to the most effective partner agency quickly and efficiently.
- Make best use of technology to identify those road users failing to comply with the law (i.e. Automated Number Plate Readers, Mobile Speed Enforcement, Covert video vehicles).
- Investigate the causes of KSI collisions and ensure that where appropriate, lessons are learned and findings are shared with partners to help improve the design of Suffolk’s road network.
- The Highways Agency is committed to reducing collisions on the trunk road network (A11, A12, A14, and A47).
- Provide Roadsafe Board with information about current safety measures.
- Non-engineering measures have an impact on both trunk and non-trunk roads, so will work with partners to share best practice and technical expertise.
- Collaborate on engineering and education programmes where appropriate.
Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service
- Deliver road safety education programmes.
- Respond to, mitigate and reduce the effects of collisions.
- Incorporate the road safety message in the School Fire Liaison Officer programme.
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment sets out the link between public health and education and how this can influence road safety, especially in terms of encouraging sustainable transport. Collision prevention and the promotion of healthy lifestyles reduces costs to the health service. Road safety is a possible use for the dedicated public health grant, especially as the number of people killed or seriously injured is an indicator in the public health outcomes framework.